Sound Hearing Care

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How to Prepare for Holiday Travel with Hearing Loss

During holiday time, families enjoy making memories by traveling and experiencing new places together. If you or a family member suffers from hearing loss, it can cause anxiety thinking of the obstacles you may encounter while traveling. Hearing loss and traveling can be a challenge for many people, but with a little preparation you can enjoy exploring the world.

Here are 5 simple tips that will make traveling with hearing loss much more manageable this holiday season:

  1. After you have picked your travel location and selected your accommodations, you can call to find out if your hotel has rooms available for people with hearing loss and if any of the places you are visiting have hearing assistance technology, such as hearing loops.

  2. You can download apps on your smartphone or tablet to easily review airline and train timetables.

  3. If you are traveling in a tour group, let the tour company or your tour guide know that you or someone you are traveling with are hearing impaired.

  4. Since traveling can bring unexpected noise levels, make sure you bring ear protection or turn down your hearing aids, if needed. Bring extra batteries and chargers so you have backups handy when you need them.

  5. And finally and perhaps most importantly, make sure you advocate for yourself if you need assistance.

Contact Sound Hearing Care for an appointment to have your hearing checked and discuss other tips for managing travel with hearing loss. Our four convenient locations include Simpsonville, Greer, Travelers Rest, and Greenville.