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New Tinnitus Resources

The American Tinnitus Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to research, advocacy, education, and support for people who live with tinnitus. This organization offers a podcast called Conversations in Tinnitus, which discusses ongoing research, treatment, and management of the condition. If you suffer from tinnitus, it is a wonderful resource for you to stay up-to-date about the condition. Below are summaries of the two most recent podcasts available.

Treating Tinnitus with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Featured in “Episode 11: Habituation to Tinnitus Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy” is Dr. Bruce Hubbard, a psychologist from New York City and adjunct faculty at Columbia University, as well as a specialist in cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT. He says that CBT “differs from other tinnitus approaches by giving you things you can do to channel your negative energy in a positive direction. The goal is to both cope better now and promote habituation over time. It's been around for a while and is undergoing decades of improvement.” Learn more about CBT and how it can help you with your tinnitus in this podcast.

Using Mindfulness to Manage Tinnitus

The guest for “Episode 12: Building Skills in Mindfulness to Manage Tinnitus” is Dr. Jennifer Gans, who is a clinical psychologist, specializing in tinnitus and mindfulness out in California, in the Bay Area. She suggests that mindfulness can change the brain’s response to tinnitus and also give the person practicing it a way to cope with other negative stimuli such as anxiety and fear. She says, “And so, I look at a mindfulness practice as really an opportunity to retune the brain in the same way you would‐‐ a conductor would get up in front of an orchestra and retune all the different sections of the instrument.” Learn more about mindfulness and how it may help you cope with tinnitus in this podcast.

How We Can Help

If you’re struggling with tinnitus and if it is bothering you, we want to help! We stay on the cutting edge of tinnitus research and treatment, and we can help you find the options that work for you and your lifestyle. To learn more, you can visit our Tinnitus Management page, contact us online, or call 864-881-1663 to schedule an appointment. Our four convenient locations in Simpsonville, Greer, Travelers Rest, and Greenville will make getting your tinnitus checked easy. Plus, we even offer Saturday hours with our audiologist in our Simpsonville location.

Don’t suffer from tinnitus any longer. Contact us today!