COVID19 Update

Dear Sound Hearing Care Patients,

As promised, we are continuing to try to keep you up to date with how we are changing to meet the sudden changes in our world.

Here’s how we can help you while still keeping social distancing restrictions:

  • We have a system to fix your hearing aids and/or clean them without you needing to come in contact with me.

  • We have a way for you or someone else to schedule a drop the hearing aids off in our lobby (directly outside our glass doors), the person who brought the aids fills out a form with the patient name and their cell phone number and then waits in the car. They will be called in 5-15 minutes when the hearing aids are ready.

  • We also designed a way for our hearing experts to "meet" with you via Telehealth. We can schedule an appointment for us to call you via video conferencing so we can help you, answer questions, and discuss your hearing concerns.

  • We are looking into ways to allow you to order new hearing aids. I can program them accordingly and then ship them to you (or you pick them up). We then have the ability to do the fitting with the remote Telehealth conference call.

    Here’s how we would program your new hearing aids remotely:

  • You would receive your new hearing aids through the mail.

  • Once you have them, you just simply put your new hearing aids during your remote appointment.

  • From our office, we would make adjustments remotely using high-tech software.. (Pretty cool, huh?!)

    If you need help or supplies, please call the office because we are mailing supplies to you folks! (If you have any good ideas, I'm "all ears!"

    So, if you or someone you know, needs help with their current hearing aids (even if they aren't currently a patient), I am here to help. Be well, stay well, and keep being the wonderful person you are!

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