What Is the Link Between COVID-19 and Tinnitus?

One of the issues of COVID-19, also known as coronavirus, is the fact it can cause medical conditions for people even after they have recovered from infection from the virus. We still don’t know the full extent of the effects of the virus, but we are slowly learning more about some of the problems the virus may cause for people. One of the effects could be tinnitus.

What Is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is the condition of hearing noises that aren’t really there. Typically, people experience a ringing in their ears, but they can also hear buzzing, roaring, clicking, hissing, or humming. These sounds can be very irritating, and the fact that others don’t hear them can be downright infuriating. Unfortunately, this problem affects 15-20% of the population, and most of the people who suffer from it are older adults. The cause is usually an underlying condition, and treatment often includes identifying and addressing this condition.

Is Tinnitus an After-Effect of COVID-19?

Many hearing experts are speculating that COVID-19 could be an underlying condition for tinnitus or that it could cause an underlying condition for tinnitus. Unfortunately, we do not yet have a lot of data about the link between the two, but we have seen patients who seem to be experiencing tinnitus as an after-effect of COVID-19. A review published in the International Journal of Audiology in March backs up our anecdotal findings. It estimates that around 14.8% of COVID-19 patients experience tinnitus, 7.6% have hearing loss, and 7.2% have rotatory vertigo, which is a sensation of spinning. We expect future studies will also indicate a link between COVID-19, tinnitus, and other hearing issues.

How We Can Help

No matter the reason for your tinnitus, you should seek help if it is bothering you. Tinnitus can disrupt your daily life and even cause anxiety or depression if left untreated. For more information about tinnitus, visit our tinnitus management page. If you’re ready for help, contact us online or call 864-881-1663 to schedule an appointment. Our four convenient locations in Simpsonville, Greer, Travelers Rest, and Greenville will make getting your tinnitus checked easy. Plus, we even offer Saturday hours with our audiologist in our Simpsonville location.

If you are struggling with tinnitus, we want to help! Contact us today!

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Struggling with tinnitus? We can help!