Protect Your Loved Ones and Yourself from Dangerous Falls

No one wants to fall... and for good reason! Falling is the leading cause of both fatal and nonfatal injuries among older adults. In fact, the CDC reports that more than one out of four older people falls each year, and falling once doubles your chances of falling again.

One way to prevent falls is to correct your hearing. According to a 2012 study by Johns Hopkins University, even people with mild hearing loss (25 decibels) had three times the risk of falling than people without hearing loss. Each increase in hearing loss by 10 decibels increased the risk of falling further by 1.4 times.

So, if you think you might have hearing loss… or if your loved ones suggest you do… don’t waste time being in denial about your hearing. Get it checked, and correct it as soon as possible.

Get Notifications of Falls and More with the Starkey Thrive Care App

Thrive app for phone

Thanks to the new Starkey Thrive Care app, correcting your hearing has an added benefit to your health. You can invite your loved ones to connect to the app and receive real-time information about your health, including:

  • A wellness score to give a general overview of how you’re doing

  • Number of steps you’ve taken

  • Amount of time you’ve exercised

  • Your social engagement

  • Hearing aid use and maintenance

  • A special alert if your hearing aids think you have fallen

These features will give you and your loved ones peace of mind as you continue to live independently. But please note that they are only available when the app is paired with Evolv AI and Livio Edge AI hearing aids by Starkey.

Enjoy the Benefits of Starkey Evolv AI

Starkey reinvented the hearing aid when they came out with the Livio AI in 2018. Now, with Starkey Evolv AI, they provide a hearing aid that emphasizes hearing’s impact on overall health and wellness.

Its benefits include:

  • 40% reduction in noise energy compared to their previous technology

  • 55 million automatic adjustments every hour to deliver realistic and genuine sound quality in every listening environment

  • Amazing sound quality so that you can hear and understand speech better

  • A fall alert so that you can get help when you need it most

  • Enhanced 2-way audio to allow you to connect effortlessly with hands-free phone conversations

  • The ability to personalize and control your listening experience using the Thrive app

  • Sound streaming from all your favorite devices

Most importantly, all of these amazing features are packaged in a product that’s easy to use, so you will experience better hearing effortlessly!

Take Advantage of Falling Prices - Starkey Evolv AI 2400

Starkey Evolv AI 2400 on sale

Are you hesitant to get your hearing checked because you think hearing aids may be too expensive? Think again!

We are offering the Starkey Evolv AI 2400 model for $1000 off its retail price. This is the behind-the-ear-device in the Starkey Evolv AI line. So, experience all the amazing features we have described without the huge sticker price.

But don’t delay because this offer only lasts as long as the inventory for this model is available.

Contact Sound Hearing Care Today!

Sound Hearing Care is your Upstate hearing aid provider. To schedule a no-obligation appointment for more information on what we offer, please contact us online or call 864-881-1663.

Prevent dangerous falls by correcting your hearing.