OTC Hearing Aids for Mild Hearing Loss

Do you think you have mild hearing loss? Don’t try to ignore it. Even mild hearing loss can disrupt your life!

An OTC Alternative to Traditional Hearing Aids

If you're not ready for traditional prescription hearing aids, here is an alternative by Sony. They have a familiar earbud design, so you won't look or feel like you're wearing hearing aids.

Features include:

  • A 26-hour rechargeable battery

  • Bluetooth compatible with audio streaming from iOS devices

  • Prescription-grade sound quality

  • A simple app for control from your phone

  • Noise reduction for settings with background noise

  • A 1-year warranty

  • FDA approval as a medical device

Try them with NO RISK!

Schedule an appointment for a hearing check to see if you qualify for these OTC hearing aids. You can try them for 30 days with a money-back guarantee if you do. If you decide you need a higher level device after trying them, you can upgrade.

These Sony hearing aids are only $1299, and you can add a cleaning package for an additional fee. Cleaning them regularly prevents moisture and wax build-up and extends the life of your devices.

To schedule a no-obligation appointment for more information, please contact us online or call 864-881-1663.

Sony OTC Hearing Aids

Try these with NO RISK for 30 days!