Posts tagged earwax
Why are my ears clogged?

Clogged ears can be very bothersome, especially when you don’t know what the cause of it is. It can be so frustrating trying to figure out why all sounds are muffled in your ears. There are a few different reasons why you have clogged ears, but remember, it’s always important to see your hearing care professional when you are having ear issues.

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Learn How to Remove Earwax from Your Hearing Aids Safely

Earwax is naturally occurring and many people can even experience excessive earwax at times. While earwax can be bothersome, it serves an essential purpose to protect the inner ear from dirt and debris and also helps lubricate the inner ear so it doesn’t become too dry.  When you wear hearing aids, it is common that earwax can become stuck on the different parts of the hearing aid, which can prevent your hearing aid from working correctly. We have put together some tips to help you remove earwax from your hearing aids and without damaging the delicate parts.

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The Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Clean Your Ears with Q-Tips

If you clean your ears regularly, you may be surprised to find out that it can be dangerous to clean them, especially with cotton swabs or Q-tips™. While many people think that using a cotton swab is perfect for removing excess earwax and debris from their ears, it can actually do more harm than good.

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