Tips for Managing Stress During the Holidays

The holidays can be a stressful time for people for various reasons. This year brings a new challenge with the Coronavirus pandemic. As we have discussed in previous blog posts, stress can make both tinnitus and hearing worse. With the numbers elevated throughout the country, many people choose to stay home instead of being with loved ones this holiday season. Isolating at home can bring on a new level of stress and even depression. We have gathered some tips to help you cope and get through the holidays.

Stress Relief Tips

  • Avoid media – Constantly watching news channels can elevate stress levels, especially during a time like this. Try to scan the headlines from your phone or tablet if you need to find out the news.

  • Listen to soothing sounds – When you feel stressed, listen to relaxing sounds like ocean waves or the sounds of the forest. Studies have shown that soothing sounds can help reduce stress.

  • Video chat – To feel less isolated, schedule video chat times with family and friends. It will help to see people while you are talking with them.

  • Exercise – While the colder weather is setting in for winter to begin, you can spend a little time – even just 30 minutes – walking around outside during the warmest part of the day. If you aren't acclimated to daily exercise, start with only 5 minutes each day.

  • Meditate – Meditation helps you focus your mind and helps the body relax. There are apps you can follow to learn basic meditation and even online courses you can take. Even 5 minutes of meditation daily can help soothe your mind and body. Meditation may even help you with your tinnitus.

  • Journal – Writing in a journal about how you feel can help you feel less isolated and reduce stress. It also may be nice to look back on this time in your life and find things to be thankful for.

  • Deep breaths – Focusing on breathing exercises that can help relax you. There are videos online that you can learn relaxing breathing techniques, and it usually takes a few times to get the hang of and understand.

  • Positive Mantras – Repeating positive mantras can help relax both the body and mind. Saying things such as "I am safe," "I am well," "I am strong" can all help soothe nerves and the feeling of isolation, as well as help manage your stress level.

  • Internet browsing – Reduce time on your phone or tablet in the evening hours. This is essential to a good night's sleep. When you browse the internet late at night, it stimulates your brain cells instead of calming them.

Has your hearing changed or bothered you more lately? Don't hesitate to contact us to schedule an appointment at 864-881-1663. We have four convenient locations to serve you in Simpsonville, Greer, Travelers Rest, and Greenville.


Review our stress relief tips to help you this holiday season.


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