Top Tinnitus Myths

For millions of people that suffer from tinnitus, it can impact everything from work to family to your social life. The constant ringing that tinnitus patients hear can also cause stress and even depression. If you are just hearing about tinnitus for the first time, it is the awareness of sound when there is actually no sound present at all. Most people hear a ringing sound, but it can also be a whistling, buzzing, or hissing sound. There are many rumors about tinnitus, and we felt that it was time to distinguish fact from fiction.

Tinnitus is a Disease - Myth

Tinnitus is actually a symptom of several different underlying medical conditions. Some examples include neurological damage, vascular disease, noise damage, or traumatic brain injury.

Diet Changes Can Make Tinnitus Disappear - Myth

While limiting food additives such as sodium, as well as caffeine and alcohol, have helped some people with their tinnitus symptoms, they can’t make tinnitus disappear completely.

All Tinnitus Patients Lose Their Hearing - Myth

Hearing loss and tinnitus are separate conditions, but they also can coexist. Some people have both conditions, while other people only have one condition. Even if you have both conditions, it doesn’t mean you will go deaf. Hearing aids can help manage symptoms of

Hearing Aids Can’t Help with Tinnitus – Myth

The latest developments in hearing aid technology can help people with hearing loss and tinnitus. For tinnitus patients, the hearing aid can increase the external noises around them, which then masks the tinnitus sounds.

Tinnitus Starts from Listing to Music Too Loud or Using Earbuds – Myth

There are many different reasons for developing tinnitus, and there are times that the cause is even unknown. People of all ages, races, health, and socioeconomic backgrounds can develop tinnitus. However, if you consistently listen to music too loud or always use earbuds to listen to music, then it is likely you will develop tinnitus.

Tinnitus is Harmless – Myth

While tinnitus is harmless, it can also be a signal that there could be an underlying serious medical condition, from heart disease to high blood pressure. So, if you have the ringing in your ears, then you shouldn’t ignore it and make sure you meet with a medical professional to determine if there is something else going on besides the ringing in your ears.

Tinnitus is No Big Deal – Myth

If you have a friend or family member that is suffering from tinnitus and they continuously tell you that it’s not a big deal, then it probably is. People who have tinnitus can have a diminished quality of life because they are always dealing with the ringing sounds they hear. Be supportive by asking questions and offering to help however they need.

Supporting your friend or family member that is suffering from tinnitus is important. Tinnitus is real and affects millions of people. Contact us today at 864-881-1663 to schedule an appointment with one of our hearing care specialists. We have four convenient locations in Simpsonville, Greer, Travelers Rest, and Greenville.


There are many myths about tinnitus, and we felt it was time to dispel them.

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